Online and in-person equine taping courses, cupping courses, and more for equine professionals and horse owners
Online equine kinesiology taping courses— learn foundational and advanced kinesiology taping techniques for your horse so you can:
Get rid of pain and break that pain cycle.
Improve performance and speed up recovery.
Prevent injuries.
Extend the life of all other treatment modalities.
Decrease fatigue.
Increase range of motion for a longer stride and smoother movements.
Start getting results for your horse today.
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About Sozo Equine®
My name is Ciara Crawford. I am the equine service provider for Sozo Equine®. I grew up on horses and I have no memory of a life outside of horses.
My training and education to serve them is an ongoing journey and will be for the rest of my days.
I went to school to earn my Master’s degree in Occupational Therapy and I worked in outpatient orthopedics for three years.
My education regarding functional anatomy, biomechanics, physiology, and activity analysis in my human practice are principals I use everyday in my equine practice.
My certifications for my equine practice include:
—Certified Equine Sports Massage Therapist
—Certified Myofascial Release Practitioner
—Certified Craniosacral Practitioner
—Certified Equine Kinesiology Taping Practitioner
—Certified Equine Taping Instructor
—Certification in Equine Thermal Imaging
Every horse has something new to teach me. Each day I strive to be better for them.
Kind Words
This is my third place to come to learn about taping and I’ll never leave. Just want you to know you do an amazing job!”
— Susan
“I just started your course and can already say your course is 100x better than the one I got certified with. You should be proud to offer such a detailed and thorough course.”
— Sage