Advanced Equine Kinesiology Tape Masterclass — Build on your foundational equine KT tape skills

This online advanced equine kinesiology taping class will take you to the next level with never-before-seen applications. You will be challenged to think differently and push yourself.

ps— if you’re looking for a foundational/beginner course, please check out my foundational equine taping course here.

Learn advanced kinesiology taping techniques for your horse so you can:

  • Get rid of pain and break that pain cycle.

  • Improve performance and speed up recovery.

  • Prevent injuries.

  • Extend the life of all other treatment modalities.

  • Decrease fatigue.

  • Increase range of motion for a longer stride and smoother movements.

  • Start getting results for your horse today.

Advanced Equine Kinesiology Taping Course Curriculum and Advanced Equine Kinesiology Taping Certification

  • Myodural Bridge Research Article

    Myo-Dural Bridge

    Facial Nerve

    Trigemenal Nerve

    Vagus - Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve

    Suprascapular Nerve

    Radial Nerve

    Sciatic Nerve

    Femoral Nerve

  • Fascia and Proprioception

    Fascia and Proprioception - PDF

    Tape, Proprioception, and Gait

    Functional Line

    Spiral Line

    Front Limb Lines

    Functional Core

    Superficial Dorsal Line

    Superficial Ventral Line

    Fetlock - Medial Spiral

    Fetlock - Lateral Spiral

    Carpal Spiral

    Hock Spiral - Cow Hocked

    Hock Spiral - Bow Legged

    Proprioception for Diaphragm

    Proprioception- Core Support

    Fascial Lines Intersections

  • Circulation

    Circulation- PDF



    Hock - DIT and TMT

    Hock - Caudal

    Fetlock and Coffin Joints

    General Shoulder

    General Glute


    Full Leg

  • Trapezius



    Serratus Ventralis

    Latissimus Dorsi



    Front Limb Fascial Lines

    Thoracic Sling and Navicular Syndrome - Research

  • Organ Support





    Large Intestines



  • Stifle


    Stifle - Lateral Support

    Stifle - Mechanical Support

    Suspensory Ligament

    Navicular/Fetlock and Coffin Joints

    Navicular Syndrome and Thoracic Sling Research

  • Kissing Spine - Lateral Decompression (less aggressive)

    Kissing Spine - Diagonal (more aggressive)

    Lumbar Decompression

    SI Joints - Decompression

    Cervical Spine - Decompression

    Cervical Spine Pathologies - PDF

    Lumbar Decompression

  • Bladder 1

    Gallbladder 20

    Bladder 10

    Large Intestine 16

    Spleen Pancreas 21

    Lung 7

    Large Intestine 4

    Small Intestine 3

    Stomach 36

    Spleen Pancreas 6

    Liver 3

    Kidney 3

    Bladder 60

  • Scars

    Scar Remodeling

Get the advanced kinesiology taping course now!